Monday, May 19, 2014

Is the Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 a Reliable Scanner?

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In addition to that, mere mortals are now having the desire for fujitsu scansnap s1500 deluxe bundle sheetfed scanner with rack2 filer version. I'm kind of grouchy. This is a practical choice. For someone like me, it is obvious this I must hide from this as soon as they possibly can. You can use fujitsu scansnap s1500 document scanner for mac to win friends and influence people. The detail I wanted the most was fujitsu scansnap s1500m price. I've been working like a dog on my fujitsu scansnap s1500 instant pdf multi sheet-fed scanner. I'm as strong as a locomotive. I'm waiting for some other opportunities to become available. While it's true this everyone has different tastes, you should be able to find the best scansnap s1500 twain compliant by following the experiences of others. I have used fujitsu scansnap s1500 instruction manual myself. I am at liberty to discuss scansnap s1500 service manual. One day our ship will come in. You should be expected to understand this, but bear that in mind going forward. I really wish that scansnap s1500 deluxe bundle review would do more with that. Doing the same things with Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

Note: This is a review, click here to visit the Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 site.

I've been using ScanSnaps since they first appeared on the horizon. Prior to that, I'd been on a serious quest to become totally paperless. I worked in a law firm and convinced them to get a scanner and I learned how to use it. The machine was large, complicated and expensive. If it hadn't been so expensive I would have bought one for myself to use at home, but I just couldn't justify it. When the ScanSnap was announced I realized that finally there was a scanner that could scan batches of documents at an affordable price. I assumed that there had to be a catch, and that would mean the scanner wasn't quite top-notch. I bought one anyway. I realized instantly that this was the holy grail of scanners. And, as I said, I've been using them ever since. Every one of these scanners has been a model of reliability. I've recommended these scanners to hundreds of people and every single person I've recommended it to has wound up falling in love with it. Like anything in the world of technology, it is best if you take the time to explore the settings and figure out how to make it work best for you. As a home scanner there is simply no other option, not in my view. The all-in-one machines are fine if you only want to scan a few things here and there. If you are going to scan stacks of documents then you need a real scanner.

The Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 is on sale now at Amazon – Click Here for Lowest Price!

How good is this scanner? Well, like I said, I'm a lawyer and I've recommended this scanner to other lawyers and helped them set it up. Many other tech-savvy lawyers I know have discovered this scanner on their own. Lawyers as you may know, are huge devourers of paper. A couple of lawyers I know work in small firms where this is the only scanner. It can totally handle the workflow of paper that a small firm of lawyers receives. But, most of these firms quickly decide to get a scanner for each lawyer. And why not? It's not that expensive, especially when you consider that it comes pre-loaded with Adobe Acrobat (which is normally a $200+ value). If you want to be paperless then you want to scan to PDF, and having Acrobat allows you to manipulate your PDFs (e.g. add signatures, insert pages, rotate pages, make sticky notes etc.). I've used both the Mac version of this scanner and the Windows version and they are completely equivalent. They both work wonderfully. The Windows version of this scanner comes with wonderful software called ScanSnap Organizer, which makes it really easy to batch scan a bunch of different papers (e.g. bank statements, utility bills, receipts etc) and then later on put them into folders or whatever you want to do to organize things. The Mac version doesn't come with this software, but there is a great program called 'Yep' (just google 'yep mac software' and you'll find it) that costs about $34 and is even better (in my opinion) than the Organizer software that comes with the Windows version of the ScanSnap.

Click here to visit the Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 site.

It's rare in the world of technology that one product winds up dominating because it simply stands heads-and-shoulders above everything else that purports to compete with it. The Fujitsu ScanSnap is one such product. I advise a lot of lawyers about becoming paperless, and whenever I hear that someone has tried and failed to make the switch away from paper, I often find that the root problem is with their scanner. It's either too powerful (and therefore too complicated), or it's not powerful enough (e.g. the all-in-one device, and this is even true of the $10,000 high end multi-function devices). The ScanSnap is like the porridge in the Goldilocks fable: it's just right. Install the software, then plug it in and hook it to the computer. Configure it and then load a stack of paper. Try putting a letter in upside down and see what happens (it will auto rotate it to the proper orientation). It will straighten pages that you load crooked, and it will scan the front and back of pages at the same time. But it will toss out the back pages if they're blank. It can scan in color or black & white. You can run OCR (optical character recognition) so that the document will be text-searchable (I don't do this because it takes a little extra time and generally isn't worth it, but you can do it easily if you want). If you get this and want more room on your desk then get rid of your fax machine and get a low-cost web based fax service like [...]which lets you send and receive faxes by email. You've got the Scanner and I presume you have an email account. What are you waiting for? The paperless revolution awaits you, and all you need to make the first step is this Scanner.

Check out the lowest price on the Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 at Amazon  – Click Here.

For those of you looking for a batch family photo type scanner, this will do it. I had years of kid parties,vacations and Christmas pictures. In fact, I had no idea how many Kodak moments I had over the years. But the boxes filled up and they were moved from place to place without ever being opened. These photos were far from professional quality. Just the typical snapshot and I wanted to keep them. But I didn't want to keep all the boxes that was taking up room in my house. I took a chance that this might batch scan photos and it has! I have scanned now for days. The machine is quick and efficient. What has taken most of the time is I am organizing as I go. The trick is to buy their cleaner (smells like rubbing alcohol)and keep the scanner clean. It is a simple task really, once you get the hang of it. And it makes all the difference in the quality of scans. I would say almost none of my pictures have the evil red and green streaks everyone talks about, although they will happen if the machine isn't cleaned. Load up on microfiber cloths also as you don't want to scratch the glass. And I try to give each photo a quick wipe front and back as I go. Although I had saved to my computer and a external drive, I also bought a Clickfree auto backup and maybe will buy a second just for cheap insurance. I do have very old early 1900's that I am scanning next. I've tried a few and it did a great job as expected. Memories are to valuable to lose. This is a wonderful investment, just what I was looking for, although I realize it is presented mostly as a document scanner.

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